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Ganxoo Media | Creació de continguts audiovisuals

Clients from Catalonia.



SEAT is the only major car manufacturer in the Iberian Peninsula with the ability and infrastructure to develop its own cars in-house. In 1986 SEAT was sold to the German Volkswagen Group of which it remains a wholly owned subsidiary.

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Sita Murt

Sita Murt is a Catalan international fashion company based in Igualada (Catalonia). Its collections are sold to more than 40 countries on 4 different continents.



Nominalia Internet is a Catalan company based in Barcelona that is part of Register Group, an international leader in digital services for professionals and SMBs. Register is one of the leading names in the European Domain & Hosting segment and ranking among the top groups in all geographies in which the Group operates.


Condis Supermercats

Condis Supermercats S.A. is one of the main supermarket chains in Catalonia. Founded in 1961, the company has 568 supermarkets in this country, 56 in Madrid (Spain) and 13 in Andorra.



Areas is one of the world leaders in Food & beverage and Travel Retail. The company receives 340 million customers every year in its 2.100 restaurants and points of sale in 13 countries in Europe, USA, Mexico and Chile. Areas is present in large and small communication centers around the world (airports, train stations, toll roads service areas), as well as in key points of fairgrounds and leisure centers.


Briolf Group

Briolf is a family-held corporate catalan group with a history in the chemical sector stretching back more than 50 years that operates in more than 120 countries. It brings together the know-how and experience of five global companies – Roberlo, Montana Colors, Chemfix, Cromaresme and Dexia – which operate in 7 business sectors, with a clear emphasis on international growth.



Petrocat (Societat Catalana de Petrolis, S.A.) is a Catalan company dedicated to the distribution and marketing of fuels. The company was founded in 1987 as “the Catalan oil company”, with the aim of distributing and marketing all kinds of oil products and their derivatives throughout Catalonia. Petrocat carries out its commercial activity, for individuals and companies, through two distribution channels: gas stations and direct sales in distribution centers.

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Castell del Remei

Castell del Remei is a centenary wine cellar situated in an historical estate from the Denomination of Origin Costers del Segre, where the first vestiges of viticulture activity date back to 1780. The company is the oldest winery in the elaboration and labeling of aging wines in Catalonia: wine elaboration on the property traces back to Roman age, first Catalan winery built according to the Bordeaux model, first Catalan winery in the production of fine aging wines and first Catalan winery in the labeling of aging wines.

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L’illa Diagonal

L’illa Diagonal is the shopping mall of Barcelona Diagonal. This complex was the first of the half dozen office and commercial centres to be opened in Barcelona in the nineties. The building has a facade 334 metres long and its design of a skyscraper lying down was inspired by the Rockefeller Centre in New York. 



Filmin is a technology and media services provider headquartered in Barcelona (Catalonia) and founded in 2006. The company’s primary business is its subscription-based streaming service which offers online streaming of a library of films and television series, mostly auteur and independent film, but also some commercial film titles.



Alqvimia is a Catalan company founded in 1980 with the premise of creating 100% natural cosmetics out of the utmost respect for nature and beauty. The company contributes to the movement of a new world paradigm with an emphasis on fairer business practices, both socially and ecologically. Its brand values are about transforming customers into conscious consumers and global trade into opportunities for local suppliers.



Tous is a Catalan jewelry, accessories and fashion retailer which was founded by Salvador Tous Blavi and Teresa Ponsa Mas in 1920. It is based in Manresa (Barcelona) and has over 20.000 employees.


FIATC Seguros

FIATC (Federació Industrial d'Autotransports de Catalunya) is a Catalan company founded in 1930. It currently has more than 800,000 mutual members. Based in Barcelona, FIATC offers insurance in all existing areas for people's private and professional lives.

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Fun*das Bcn

Fun*das Bcn is the first brand that introduces textile fashion into childcare. The company possess a powerful online store and send their products all over the world. Moreover, they’re present in the best child stores in Catalonia, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and continues to consolidate in the European market.

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FCI Coatings

Headquartered in Sabadell (Catalonia), FCI Coatings is a national referent on the cylinders’ coatings made of natural and synthetic rubber in any size or hardness, with the widest range of products in the market and covering all the needs. The company keep a high technological and research level and uses a respectful technology with environment and people.



Rueber is a Catalan company founded in 1982 on the initiative of its president, Josep Maria Codina, after conducting exhaustive research. Since then, Rueber has grown to become a leading company in hair solutions both nationally and internationally.

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Cheer App Life

Cheer App Life is an app created in 2018 owned by the Catalan Start-up Port Bo Dreams S.L. With Cheer App life you can easily create congratulations and encouragement videos for someone special with the participation of friends and family.  This app is aimed at the Anglo-Saxon and Spanish-speaking market in Europe and America.



Oncolliga (Fundació Privada Lliga Catalana d’Ajuda Oncològica) is a Catalan non-profit organization whose main purpose is to psychosocial to people with cancer and their families. Oncolliga aims to provide psycho-social care to the person diagnosed with an oncological disease and their family throughout the disease process, while carrying out dissemination, prevention and rehabilitation activities.

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Raimon Bundó

Raimon Bundó is a family wedding fashion store that crafts its own products with genuine designs for wedding, celebrations and communions. On these premises located on one of Barcelona’s main streets, the brand offers its collections for brides, events and communions, with a very personal design that encompasses everything from a classic style with delicate touches to the most daring and innovative dresses

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Clínica Birbe

Clínica Birbe is a private medical center specialized in maxillofacial surgery, implantology and oral rehabilitation in an interdisciplinary way, through the participation of various specialists.

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Bons Focs

Bons Focs is a small company in Barcelona (Catalonia) focused on making bread with sourdough according to the traditional method, just as our grandparents did.



Nubelo was a start-up from Barcelona that ended up being bought by the Australian company "Freelancer" in 2016. Ganxoo Media took charge of Nubelo's audiovisual strategy shortly after its foundation, in 2012. The main goal was to create brand value through permanent communication with the company's public. It consisted of different audiovisual formats and advocacy tactics, audiovisual employer branding videos, content marketing strategies, etc.

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The Craft Academy

The Craft Academy is a Catalan micro-company aimed at the Spanish-speaking online crafter audience.

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Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA)

The Catalan Water Agency (Agència Catalana de l’Aigua -ACA-) is the public company of the Generalitat de Catalunya (government of Catalonia) that is responsible for water planning and management in accordance with the basic principles of the Water Framework Directive. Created in 2000, the ACA promotes its action plan to guarantee, now and in the future, the supply, availability of water and its quality at source (groundwater and surface water). 

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Institut Català d’Energia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

L’Institut Català d’Energia (The Catalan Energy Institute) is the entity of the Generalitat de Catalunya (government of Catalonia) in charge of elaborating and carrying out the Catalan energy policy, especially about the improvement of the saving and the energetic efficiency and the development of the renewable energies.

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Diputació de Barcelona

Diputació de Barcelona is a local government institution that promotes the progress and well-being of the citizens of its territorial area: the Catalan region of Barcelona, 311 municipalities in a network, which represents 24% of the total area of Catalonia and 74,4% of the total Catalan population. It acts directly by providing services and, above all, in cooperation with the city councils.

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