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Ganxoo Media | Creació de continguts audiovisuals

Privacy policy

Information about the data controller

Denomination : Baud productions Audiovisuals i Nous Formats de Catalunya, SL ("GANXOO MEDIA" or "the provider")

CIF: B65039794

How to contact the Data Protection Officer : to contact the GANXOO MEDIA Data Protection Officer , the User you can go to the address indicated here section or in the mail electronic . With the reference (Ref.: Data Protection ).


Information and consent for the processing of personal data on the Website

Generally , the people who do use of the Website is done without need to provide any personal data . However _ this , to access to the Services , the Users , in certain cases will have to provide certain personal data . GANXOO MEDIA guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by Users , seconds that established in the regulations on Protection of Personal Data .

In that heard , it is reported to the Users that the data they could send to GANXOO MEDIA will be incorporated into a file of theirs ownership , in order to respond to your inquiries and requests like this like , if there were consented , send to him media commercial information telematics on contents and products of GANXOO MEDIA, or of companies belonging to the same business group , as well as from third-party sponsoring and/or collaborating companies .

In case there is consented on purpose the sending of communications commercials GANXOO MEDIA informs the User that he can give of come down of this types of communications , following the instructions that appear at the end of each the ours post electronic.

Like this same , the personal data that could be provided may be communicated to Authorities Tax Offices , Control Authorities in the field of data protection (e.g. the Agency Spanish Data Protection Act ) to the State Security Forces and Bodies , Judges and Courts if so was required or melted necessary.


Information and consent for the processing of personal data derived from the use of Networks Social

If the User were to register to the GANXOO MEDIA websites and mobiles with your Facebook, Twitter or any ID others Nets Social media , as long as GANXOO MEDIA makes it available of the users this one option , with this registration the User grant his _ consent explicit for the processing of your personal data . If the User was not OK with these terms, you must avoid registering to GANXOO MEDIA websites and mobiles with Facebook or Twitter ID or whatever others Nets Social .

However _ this , the collection and use of information that Facebook, Twitter and others third parties collect on the User is governed by theirs corresponding privacy policies .

Like this same , the User must consider that any information that you publish or disclose through the profiles on the Networks Social media managed by GANXOO MEDIA will become public information and will be available to the public visitors of the themselves and the general public . this suppose that the users of the Sites and Social Media of GANXOO MEDIA located in any country in the world and with universal character , they will be able to access your _ information _ In that meaning , the users they must take special care and diligence when disclosing personal or any information other type of information in these Places .

In addition , the data of Users contributed and/or published on the Networks Social media that could be managed by GANXOO MEDIA will be handled by it with the following purposes (i) allow access and navigation to the Contents and Services offered by GANXOO MEDIA through these Nets Social ( ii ) allow participation in forums and surveys _ of opinion ( iii ) enable and manage participation to contests, promotions , programs, series , raffles or any other initiatives carried out by GANXOO MEDIA either by itself or in collaboration with third parties , manage the promotion of winners , as well as the delivery of possible awards ( iv ) allow the shipment of information or communications commercials relating to series , programs, contests, contents , activities or services related with GANXOO MEDIA or with Group companies (v) to moderate uses , as appropriate do , als Sites , Applications and Networks Social , from GANXOO MEDIA (vi) like this how to report abuse where correspond or process any complaints receive from third parties .

For the purposes above , your personal data , included the contents that had able to publish, like this as appropriate , the image and /or video may be communicated to : (i) others Group companies ( ii ) Authorities _ Tax Offices , Control Authorities in the field of data protection (e.g. the Agency Spanish Data Protection Act) , to the State Security Forces and Bodies , Judges and Courts , if so was required or melted necessary ( iii ) in case the initiative, contest , promotion , etc., by virtue of which the data is collected , is related to a certain program, initiative, contest , series , etc., on the television channels or general to audiovisual communication service providers as entities _ _ broadcasters of the program, initiative, contest , series , etc.

The participants in the various initiatives, contests, draws , programs, promotions , series , etc., produced or co-produced by GANXOO MEDIA, through the shipment of the corresponding contents , consent to the use , reproduction , public communication , making available , distribution , transformation , worldwide and without temporary limitation , by GANXOO MEDIA, of the name , the content published , and, where appropriate , image and/or voice in any post type , incl _ television and internet, or any other means of whatever nature , without _ refund of no type for _ participant and without no need to pay any fees.

The participants they guarantee like this same ownership and control of rights over the texts, recordings of audio , photographs , videos or any others contents that had able to send, that in the themselves is not infringed none right of image , honor, property intellectual and/or industrial, or none at all other type of third parties and is respected in everything current regulations on data protection , responding front GANXOO MEDIA or front third parties , of any kind damages that could be caused as a result of non -compliance with the above demonstrations _

Becoming a follower of the networks social media that could be managed by GANXOO MEDIA implies the acceptance of this Privacy Policy and this , without without prejudice to the policies, conditions or rules of contests that in each particular case could regulate theirs use and what they will be duly communicated by GANXOO MEDIA.


Information and consent for the processing of personal data derived from the use of Whatsapp

The fact that the User participle through the sending of Whatsapp in the different initiatives, promotions , contests, raffles , series , programs, etc., that GANXOO MEDIA produces or co-produces assumes that it grants its consent explicit for the processing of your personal data by GANXOO MEDIA to manage it participation in the terms indicated in this Privacy Policy .

However _ that , the collection and use of the information that Whatsapp collects about the User is governed by its corresponding privacy policies .

personal data , which users contribute by Whatsapp , such like phone number , Whatsapp profile , so on how the texts, recordings of audio , photographs or videos that could be sent to the numbers managed by GANXOO MEDIA will be treated by it with the following purposes (i ) allow participation in forums and surveys of opinion ( ii ) enable and manage participation to contests, promotions , programs, raffles or any other initiatives carried out by GANXOO MEDIA either by itself or in collaboration with third parties , manage the promotion of winners , as well as the delivery of possible awards ( iii ) allow the shipment of information or communications commercials relating to series , programs, contests, contents , activities or services related with GANXOO MEDIA or with Group companies ( iv ) to moderate the uses it makes to the Sites , Applications , and Network profiles Social GANXOO MEDIA like this how to report abuse where correspond or process any complaints receive from third parties .

For the purposes above , your personal data , included the contents that the User had could send for your participation , by title enunciative and not exhaustive , such com : texts, recordings of audio , photographs or videos like this as appropriate for the image and/or video may be communicated : (i) to others Group companies , ( ii ) Authorities Tax Offices , Control Authorities in the field of data protection (e.g. the Agency Spanish Data Protection Act ) , to the State Security Forces and Bodies , Judges and Courts if so was required or melted necessary ( iii ) so com , in the event that the initiative, contest , promotion , etc., under which the data is collected, is related to a certain program , initiative, contest , series , etc., on the television channels or , in general , to audiovisual communication service providers as entities _ _ broadcasters of the program, initiative, contest , series , etc.

The participants in the different initiatives, contests, promotions , etc., produced or co-produced by GANXOO MEDIA, through the shipment of the corresponding contents , consent to use , reproduction , public communication , making available , distribution and transformation of these contents , included the texts, recordings of audio or videos , worldwide and without temporary limitation , by GANXOO MEDIA, of the name , the content published , including the texts, recordings of audio or videos, and, where applicable , image and/or voice , that had could send the User , in any post type , incl _ television and internet, or any other means of whatever nature , without _ refund of no type for _ participant and without no need to pay any fees.

The participants they guarantee like this same ownership and control of rights over the texts, recordings of audio , photographs , videos or any others contents they had able to send, that in the themselves is not infringed none right of image , honor, property intellectual and/or industrial, or none at all other type of third parties and is respected in everything current regulations on data protection , responding front GANXOO MEDIA or front third parties , of any kind damages that could be caused as a result of non -compliance with the above demonstrations _


Security measures

GANXOO MEDIA informs you that security measures have been implemented of nature technical and organizational necessary to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent your alteration , loss and treatment and / or unauthorized access , considering the state of the technology , the nature of the data stored and the risks to the fact that they are exposed , whether they come from human action or the medium physical or natural. GANXOO MEDIA continuously maintains supervision , control and evaluation of the processes to ensure respect for data privacy .


Data retention terms _

with generally , GANXOO MEDIA will keep the personal information of users during the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy , unless the law establish or allow a period greater _

The data of Website users will be retained by GANXOO MEDIA , while are given registration and, once the cancellation has been requested , will be kept for the attention of the possible responsibilities born from the treatment until the limitation period _ of these , moment in which the owners of the Website will proceed to their deletion _

The information provided to GANXOO MEDIA, through the different profiles that could be open to Networks Social , data, images and any contents that could publish in them themselves they will be preserved in these GANXOO MEDIA profiles while the User does not request withdrawal or deletion of the themselves through the tools made available for that purpose by each of the Networks Social .

personal data that the User could to have contributed participation in contests , promotions , programs, series , raffles or any other initiatives carried out by GANXOO MEDIA, as well as for the delivery of possible prizes , they will be preserved equally until the prescription period for the attention of the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment , at which time GANXOO MEDIA will proceed to its own deletion _

However , if the User by virtue of his participation had surrendered the corresponding rights of exploitation in GANXOO MEDIA, li we report that in relation with the property rights _ intellectual , according to the established in the Real Decree Legislative 1/1996, of April 12 , pel which the text is approved overhaul of the Property Law Intellectual :

  • (a) The general term of rights exploitation of the work is the life of the author and seventy years after his _ death .

  • (b) The rights of exploitation of the works in collaboration , including cinematographic and audiovisual works , will last the lifetime of the co-authors and seventy years since the death or declaration of death of the last surviving co-author .

  • (c) The duration of the rights exploitation recognized to the producers of the first fixation of one audiovisual recording will be fifty years , calculated from January 1 of the year next to his realization _ But yes , inside of this period , the recording is lawfully disclosed , the cited rights will expire at fifty years since disclosure , calculated from January 1 of the year following the date on which this occurs . 

  • (d) The duration of the rights exploitation recognized to the authors of mere photographs has a duration of twenty -five years calculated from January 1 of the year following the date of the photograph or reproduction .

  • (e) In the case of compositions musical with letter , the rights of exploitation will last the lifetime of the author of the lyrics and the author of the musical composition and seventy years since the death or declaration of death of the last survivor , as long as theirs contributions were created specifically for the respective musical composition with letter

Therefore , in case the User have surrendered rights exploitation of works or contents subject to property rights intellectual property , GANXOO MEDIA may save that information relating to the User that allows it to be demonstrated that it is legitimate transferee of the rights of exploitation on these works or contents , as long as they do not become domain public , under of the deadlines previously established or any others established by royal Decree Legislative 1/1996, of April 12 , pel which the Revised Text of the Property Law is approved intellectual.


Exercise of the rights access , rectification , opposition , deletion , limitation of treatment and, where appropriate , portability

The users they can go to GANXOO MEDIA, in order to be able to exercise the seats rights of access , rectification , opposition , deletion , limitation of treatment and, where appropriate , of portability with respect to the data included in the seats files .

For this one reason , a letter must be sent identified with the reference (Ref. Data Protection ) in which it is specified the request _ corresponding to the following address : GANXOO MEDIA, Carrer de la Renclusa , 51, fifth floor first office, 08905 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona. Or sending identical documentation to the address :


Data provided by third parties

From GANXOO MEDIA we request to the Users who avoid communicating through any system, application , medium or format , personal data of third parties . However _ this , in case of communication performed at GANXOO MEDIA as well as in audiovisual material, recordings of audio , photographs , texts or in general any others contents sent by the User for subsequent dissemination , as enunciative , but not exhaustive , on the Website , programs, series , contests, and any initiatives that could be produced , co-produced by GANXOO MEDIA or third parties , television channels , or any audiovisual communication service providers , including personal data by non - owners of the themselves , the User guarantees that it has informed these people of the extremes contents to the paragraphs previous and have got his _ consent in compliance with data protection regulations . Circumstance that declares to have done through the acceptance of the present conditions.

The User will answer front GANXOO MEDIA or front third parties of any kind damages that could be caused as a result of non -compliance with the above demonstrations.


Veracity , accuracy and updating of the data

The data you provide the User must be true, accurate, complete and up-to-date . In the event of any modification and /or variation in any of the existing data in our database, in particular those relating to contact persons, you please put it in ours knowledge this one circumstance in order to proceed to his update.

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